Category: Technical

Technical pages and posts including write-ups.

Enzo Ferrari – Motor and Gearbox

This article has some collected details regarding the Enzo Ferrari Engine and Gearbox.  Information has been collected from various sources which are listed at the bottom. Enzo Ferrari Engine Details: Displacement: 366 cubic inches; 6.0 Liter; 5998cc Type:  65 degree…

Amazing Automotive Engines

This article details several unique and notable automobile engines. ———————————————————— Wikipedia has a short article on flat engines, below is an description regarding flat 12-cylinder motors.  Flat engines are also referred to as boxer engines.  However, Wikipedia makes a distinction…

Ford Focus crash at 120mph

Fifth Gear is a favorite program of mine, just as I love Top Gear and Mythbusters. They blow **** up. Well, this time they kind of do. It’s not quite as epic as the Mythbusters rocket-car sleds at New Mexico…