RCE Yellow and OEM Springs Side by Side

Here are some photos that I took comparing the ride heights (visually) of RCE Yellow Springs and OEM Subaru springs on a 2004 Subaru WRX Impreza sedan.

The RCE Yellow springs are mated with Tokico D-Spec struts and TIC 1/4″ plastic Saggy Butt Spacers.
The OEM springs are on OEM struts.
Bump stops are either removed or cut down to about 1/3 of their normal size in all cases.
RCE Yellow Springs on Tokico D-Spec Struts with 1/4″ Tic Saggy Butt Spacers in Rear:

RCE Yellow Springs and D-Spec Struts, cut bump stops, 2004 Subaru WRX Sedan, TIC Saggy Butt 1/4" spacers in rear

RCE Yellow springs front wheel side view, D-Spec struts, cut bump stops, 2004 Subaru WRX Sedan

RCE Yellow Springs and D-Spec Struts, cut bump stops, 2004 Subaru WRX Sedan, TIC Saggy Butt 1/4" spacers in rear, side view rear wheel

OEM Subaru WRX Springs on OEM Subaru WRX Struts:

OEM Springs and Struts, side view, 2004 Subaru WRX Sedan, Java Black Pearl JBP

OEM Springs and Struts, side view front wheel, 2004 Subaru WRX Sedan, Java Black Pearl JBP

OEM Springs and Struts, side view rear wheel, 2004 Subaru WRX Sedan, Java Black Pearl JBP

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